Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Video games good? or bad?

Angry Birds, Pokemon, Tetris, wii, game cube... gaming can be a lot of fun, it has become a mainstay of modern life.  But what if gaming takes away from relating? What if gaming is part of relating? 

Gaming is, after all, part of the 21st century. But what is the take away? Are our children sensitized to violence? Do they know how to problem solve? To think independently? To relate to their peers? To be positive group participants?  My inquiring mind wants to know.  How is gaming affecting our children?

My personal belief it that some gaming is okay.  But to much of one thing is, well, too much.  I wanted my child to be well rounded so knowing the games and being able to talk with his friends about the different games and their strategies that is important. The question is - do you know what your child is playing? Do you watch or have them explain the game?  Explaining the game can be very important - it gets back to relating and communicating.  Can your child take the time to share with you what the game is about or even include and teach you how to play the game?  Are you mindful of the games your child is playing and are they developmentally and age appropriate? 

So are video games good or bad?  Neither and both. One resent study linked video violence as one of the six factors that build a bully.  By it self video violence is not the cause of bullying. But it is an interesting study check out the link below.

Video games are part of our culture.  How often one plays and the content is the key to your child's growth and knowledge.  How much video/electronics do you want your child to have? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love playing video games and so do my kids. I do monitor them while they play and fixed their play time so that it will not affect their studies.