When I was working with a group of parents of autistic children, I asked them; What makes for a good life? In small groups we discussed and brainstormed at least 12 components to a good life. Some of the answers: friends, family, income, job we like, time, medical insurance, hobbies, safe water, chocolate, healthy environment (think skiing, hiking, kayaking, sailing, we need the places to do those things). As we brainstormed we found that there were many aspects that make “a good life”. There is value to so many little incidental things in our life. We don’t think about our health, if we have good health. We don’t think about shelter, if we have shelter. We don’t think about safety if we are not running from a country where one’s life is at stake. We will all have challenges through out our lives, those challenges may change our thoughts or our list of what makes for a good life. But the main take away is that we all want a good life, if you notice the list doesn't state a 60’ television, a large house, debt, poor health, video games, or straight "A's". First on everyone’s list was family, friends, and health. What do you think your children would say? If you have older children ask them; "what makes for a good life." Build your family and family values, instill curiosity, promote learning, and, very importantly, have fun!