Monday, August 27, 2012

Moxie Matters

Moxie: The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.


I have been interested in parenting since before I became a parent. I have always been a people-watcher, and watching parents was very interesting. Some parents were so good that it was a pleasure to watch them interact with their children, to experience the relationship they were building and to see the children learn skills and behaviors. It was hard for me to watch the parents who were yelling at their children and telling them, "Because I said so," or worse. I noticed a difference in the demeanor and body language of the children. There was a relaxed and confident air to the one who was not being yelled at, and a tense, defensive attitude in the one who was. All children should have the opportunity to be calm, relaxed, and ready to grow. Raising a child (or children) is a difficult job; is can also be fun and rewarding, too.

So why does moxie matter? Because it takes moxie to be a conscious, dedicated, mindful, and energetic parent.  We have a lot of demands and stress in this bustling 21st century. Sometimes we suffer from not taking time for ourselves, and from not planning and taking care of our time with our children. All of our time with our kids can be quality time. It takes planning, curiosity, a zest for fun, and a personal quest to be a great parent. In this blog, I'll address how you can fortify your moxie, turn off the electronics, and get out (or stay in) and have fun as a family.